The end of the School year culminates in a day of celebrations known as Commemoration (Commem) which is an opportunity to reflect upon the events of the past year, to celebrate the boys’ achievements and to say farewell to those colleagues and boys who are leaving us. This year, Commem will take place on Saturday 29 June 2024. In the week leading up to Commem, there is a range of exhibitions, sport and music events, the details of which are below. 

Schedule of the Day - Saturday 29 June 2024

TimeEventLocationBooking informationAdditional information
11:00Commemoration Service The Abbey

Due to limited seating, tickets are available for the families of Upper Sixth Leavers only.

Booking link has been sent to the parents of Upper Sixth Leavers separately.

The Commemoration Service will be live streamed to the Powell Theatre which will be open to families of all boys. 
12:15Speeches and Prize-givingThe Courts

Booking is not required

All boys are expected to attend, and all parents are welcome.

In case of wet weather, please make your way directly to the Houses for Commemoration Lunch.
13:45Commemoration Lunch Houses

Book here

All boys and families welcome. 

For this there is a charge of £25 per adult and £12 for those under the age of 10, to include lunch, wine and soft drinks, which will be added to your fee bill for this term.

There is no charge for boys who attend the School, and you do not need to include them in your booking.

18:00Leavers' Chapel ServiceThe Chapel

Booking is not required

For Upper Sixth leavers and their families. 

19:15Commemoration BallMarquee at Sherborne Girls

Tickets are available for the parents of Upper Sixth Leavers.

Booking link has been sent to the parents of Upper Sixth Leavers separately.



Music Events

We have a series of Music Events taking place in the run up to our Commemoration celebrations, which you are welcome to attend. We would be delighted to see you there!


Image of violinist

Sunday 23 June, 10:30
The Patrick Shelley Music Competition 
Tindall Recital Hall 

Book Now

Image of a pupil playing the saxophone

Tuesday 25 June, 19:30
Jazz for a Summer's Evening 
Music School

Book Now

Image of pupil playing the an organ

Wednesday 26 June, 19:30
Battle of the Organs featuring the Chamber Choir
School Chapel

Book Now

Image of a pupil playing the violin

Thursday 27 June, 19:30
Leavers' Concert and Reception 
Tindall Recital Hall

Book Now

The Upper Sixth Form only will be performing in this concert. Light refreshments will be provided after the concert. 


This year, the Gala Concert on Friday 28 June is by invitation only to mark the end of Director of Music James Henderson's years in post. 


Sports Events

Saturday 22 June - Thursday 27 June

Ruth Strauss Foundation Cricket Week

The Upper

All are welcome to attend. Details can be found here.


Friday 28 June, 14:00 - 17:00

Inter-House Athletics

Carey's playing fields

All are welcome to attend.

Light refreshments will be available for parents.


Drama Events

Friday 28 June, 18:00 - 19:30

Drama Exhibition

Drama School

All are welcome to attend


Art Events

Friday 28 June, 18:00 (Private View) and Saturday 29 June, 10:00 - 13:00

Art Exhibition

Oliver Holt Gallery and Carrington Art Studios