Life in Lockdown photographic competition

At the beginning of the second national lockdown Rachel Hassall, the School’s archivist asked pupils and staff to photograph life in lockdown to ensure that future generations will be able to find out what life was like for the staff and pupils at Sherborne School during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Art Department jumped in to help Rachel generate as much photography as possible through creating a photographic competition ‘Life in Lockdown’ which was publicised around the School. In total we had 50 entries from both pupils and staff which were forwarded to a panel of 4 judges: Rachel Hassall, David Ridgway, Tim Bennett and Matt Bone. We received a fantastic response showing how we are adapting School life to work around restrictions caused by Covid-19. All 50 photographs will be added to the school archives to record this unprecedented time for future generations. The winners of the competition are:


1st Place: Alex Biddulph – 3d – Prize £50 Amazon Voucher

2nd Place: Henry Holmes – 3b – Prize £30 Amazon Voucher

3rd Place: Will MacEwan – 4d – Prize £20 Amazon Voucher


Matt Bone, Director of Art


Alex Biddulph (3d)

The judges loved the sunset photograph of Carey’s with beautiful lighting and the strong use of the hand sanitiser in the foreground.


Henry Homes (3b)

The judges enjoyed the clever composition of the photograph, the use of muted colours to communicate the starkness of life in lockdown and the monotony of using devices to communicate. 


Will MacEwan (4d)

The judges enjoyed the clever composition and message of the photograph: the emptiness of the street combined with a solitary figure communicating the loneliness of life in lockdown.


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