Sherborne is a School that was founded on philanthropy. From those early days of creating classrooms and the chapel through to in more recent years the Music School and Sports Centre, every stage has been made possible by the generosity of our community. 

But, it is not just buildings. Enabling boys from less advantaged backgrounds to benefit from a world class education was what we were founded for. In 2024 around 90 boys received a means tested bursary. In recent decades, these bursaries have in large part been made possible by the generosity of OS, parents and friends and combined with funds from the School. However, inflation and the likely introduction of VAT means that our ability to continue to offer these life changing bursaries is under threat.

Please help us continue to change lives.

How we work

We are proud that Sherborne offers an excellent all-round education the boys receive and we can look ahead to a range of projects we will be supporting between now and 2026.  They will include boarding, science, sport, technology and the arts, as well as bursary support to help widen access to our excellent school.  We also feature on the School buildings we have funded during the first 20 years, in recognition of our supporters’ generosity.  The special 20th anniversary project for 2019 was the complete refurbishment of the Macnaghten Library,

We build long-term relationships with donors, helping them integrate with the School and understand the impact of their generosity.  It represents the voice of Sherborne’s supporters within the School, helping to shape its future and contribute to its success. We work closely with the  Old Shirburnian Society. Together, we organise regular events at School and further afield, helping people keep in touch with School friends and learn about the latest developments in Sherborne.